Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tumpukan Buku

Berikut ini adalah gambar buku-buku yang baru saya beli atau sudah lama dibeli tapi gak dibaca-baca.

Tumpukan buku di meja belajar saya yang berantakan maklum anak sekolah
  1. Truth or Dare, oleh Winna Efendi dan Yoana Dianika
  2. This Lullaby, oleh Sarah Dessen
  3. Therese Raquin, oleh Emilie Zola
  4. Jane Eyre, oleh Charlotte Bronte
  5. Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer, oleh John Grisham
  6. Theodore Boone: The Abduction, oleh John Grisham
Baru sadar hampir semua buku berawalan dari huruf T.

Ada juga yang memiliki tumpukan buku di meja? :D

Jonathan Stroud's The Amulet of Samarkand

Judul: Amulet Samarkand
Pengarang: Jonathan Stroud
Penerjemah: Poppy D. Chusfani
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Halaman: 512 hal.
Nathaniel, si penyihir muda, diam - diam memanggil jin berusia 5.000 tahun bernama Bartimaeus. Tugas untuk Bartimaeus tidak gampang -- ia harus mencuri Amulet Samarkand yang berkekuatan dahsyat dari Simon Lovelace, master penyihir yang kejam dan ambisius.

Bartimaeus dan Nathaniel pun terlibat dalam intrik sihir yang penuh darah, pemberontakan, dan pembunuhan.

Awalnya lagi browsing di Goodreads, sekalian mencari buku apa aja yang mau dipinjam kalau pergi ke rental. Melihat buku ini, kalau dilihat review-review-nya sih bagus, mirip Harry Potter. Kebetulan di rental ada, lengkap tiga-tiganya. Jadi pinjam deh. :))

4 alasan mengapa harus membaca buku ini:

Cath Crowlety's Graffiti Moon

Title: Graffiti Moon
Author: Cath Crowley
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia
Pages: 264 p.
Summary (from Goodreads):
 "Let me make it in time. Let me meet Shadow. The guy who paints in the dark. Paints birds trapped on brick walls and people lost in ghost forests. Paints guys with grass growing from their hearts and girls with buzzing lawn mowers."

It’s the end of Year 12. Lucy’s looking for Shadow, the graffiti artist everyone talks about. 

His work is all over the city, but he is nowhere.

Ed, the last guy she wants to see at the moment, says he knows where to find him. He takes Lucy on an all-night search to places where Shadow’s thoughts about heartbreak and escape echo around the city walls.

But the one thing Lucy can’t see is the one thing that’s right before her eyes.

My friend recommended me this book, which I am very glad that she did. It was about eleven at night, and I was bored reading a fantasy book, when I began to read Graffiti Moon. I was finished at five in the morning. I didn't get enough sleep, but it was worth it.

I found it easier for me to write a review with numbers or bullets, this is not my first book-blog. (The old one--I was procrastinating. Yeah.) But in this new one, I want to write something new.
So here it is; Since I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars, I will give you 4 reasons why you'd better pick up this book if you have not: